Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Brilliant mind

Putting the brain seems to be fine art, which depends on our choices. We see then what to do and what to avoid to have a sharp mind and brilliant.

If you really want to train your brain, then forget sudoku and crosswords, but eating chocolate, you do a lot of sex and follow the example of Scandinavian people who eat meat and cold cuts for breakfast. Avoid this instead: soap opera, constantly complaining, whining people attend. These are some of the recommendations suggested by American researchers, Terry Home and Simon Wooton, to stimulate the brain to function optimally.

Everything depends on our choices
For years it was thought that the cognitive abilities of the brain were genetically determined, whereas it is now clear that depend on the choices of life: what we eat, drink, how we learn at school are all crucial factors. So people can make lifestyle choices that are not only able to prevent what is seen as an inevitable decline after 17 years, but also to steadily increase their cognitive abilities during the whole of their lives as adults.

Chocolate prevents aging and fats are healthy
Addition, these researchers sing the praises of the beneficial properties of chocolate, which contains useful substances such as magnesium, flavonoids and theobromine. The first is to oxygenate the brain, while others prevent aging. Eating a couple of cubes of chocolate a day finger cioccolatosarebbe then a real cure to stay young in body and mind.
What about fatty foods that are often banned from the diet? to work best the brain needs omega 3 and omega 6, found in fatty acids. Without them you may suffer loss of memory.

Laughter is good for the brain
Laughter is beneLa happiness and optimism help the brain that makes us give socialize, have a sense of humor, avoid those who are always complaining and negativity of life. This is the first step! But the authors warn not to relentlessly searching for the perfect happiness, much better known as Bliss: Body pleasure (pleasure of the body), laughter (laughter), Involvment (involvement), Satisfaction (satisfaction) and Sex (sex), all of which help the brain to think better.

For those wishing to go into that can read Teach Yourself: Training Your Brain (or "Teach Yourself: train your brain"), which promises to become a best seller, if only for the sensational revelations. In the book, a collection of scientific articles, the two authors explain that the choices of life are crucial to keep in good shape mentally.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Stress diet

Sometimes you can fight stress and fatigue from a healthy diet, just a menu made of protein, essential minerals such as iron, zinc and copper, and essential fatty acids, to get into a higher gear and be in better shape.

Minerals are essential to vitality and good humor
Tiredness, fatigue and increased susceptibility to ailments associated with colds, difficulty concentrating, nervousness and constant mood swings: all symptoms that often depend on a lack of essential minerals such as iron, zinc, copper, an essential mix can deeply nourish each tissue, enhance immunity and restore vitality and good humor. And to get your fill of minerals is sufficient to carefully choose the right foods.

Iron and copper have energy
Iron is essential to health and is found in foods in two distinct forms. Red meat and white, liver and fish and shellfish contain it in an easily assimilable and therefore are the best foods to consume. Iron Arm Ferropresente in eggs, milk and cheese is rather difficult to use and therefore less effective. The recommended ration of iron is 10 milligrams for adult men and 18 mg for women of childbearing age.

Although copper plays an essential role for the proper functioning of the body. Its action is important for the mineralization of the skeleton and the formation of red blood cells, as it is involved in iron metabolism and energy production. That is its lack causes fatigue and other symptoms similar to those caused by lack of iron. This mineral is present in meat, liver, nuts, mushrooms and vegetables.

Zinc for the immune
Present mainly in meat, fish, eggs, walnuts and oysters, zinc is a mineral that helps strengthen the body's defense system and increase resistance to attack by germs and bacteria. It is excellent to fight fatigue and acts positively on the nervous system. In addition regulates thyroid activity and slows the oxidation of tissues.

Foods that should always be
To keep fit, relieve stress and ailments caused by a immune systems, the table should never miss some foods.

* Eating the fish is a food pescel really important to feel on top both from the point of view of the line from the point of view-being. They are ideal fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, but all are valid. The shellfish are also an excellent source of minerals and B vitamins, essential for energy production.
* The nuts add good health and good taste thanks to the presence of minerals and vitamins. In addition it helps to fight cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity.
* All vegetables are great to satisfy and reduce the absorption of fat and most are easily digestible, contrast also anemia and fatigue.

Rose Water

In recent years we have experienced usauge of cosmetic products from natural sources. One of these products was the rose water as a function that has the skin tone for what would replace the traditional tonic.

It is an essence that is obtained for the secretion of rose petals. But the result is a liquid too strong to apply to the skin, for what usually is mixed with water. Coat is recommended for oily and normal skin, it tends to resect a bit '.

For that reason, avoid products with rose water having more on alcohol use among its ingredients. It is used after cleansing the skin, and before moisturizer. Help to complete the cleaning and closing the pores. Can be used daily.

Is a product recommended, both for its effectiveness as a ground for its price, it is a natural product that normally has no additional ingredients.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Health Myths

Myth : Certain foods like grapefruit, celery or cabbage soup, can burn fat and make you lose weight.
Fact : NO food can burn fat. These foods are very low in calories with almost zero fat content. In addition, some of those foods may contain caffeine which might speed up the metabolism (the way your body uses energy or calories) for a short time, but they do not cause weight loss nor do they cause loss in fat mass.

Myth : Natural or herbal weight-loss products are safe and effective.
Fact : "Natural" or "Herbal" does not always mean safe, especially in health related products. These products are not usually scientifically tested to prove their safety and efficacy. So far there are no FDA regulations on these products to control their claims and commercialization.

Myth : Low-fat or fat-free means no calories. You can eat more foods if they are low fat or fat free.
Fact : Low fat or fat free does not mean calorie free. A low-fat or fat-free food is OFTEN lower in calories than the same size portion of the full-fat product. But many processed low-fat or fat-free foods have just as many calories as the full-fat version of the same food-or even MORE calories. Usually, when the fat is taken out, sugar and other carbohydrates are added in to keep the taste. This brings the low-fat version to usually the same caloric content as the regular full fat version. When shopping, make sure you read nutrition labels of the regular versus the low-fat product and compare the calories per serving size. Remember that weight comes down to calories, not fat!

Myth : Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight.
Fact : One popular approach used to lose weight is skipping a meal, usually breakfast. Many people think that by skipping a meal, they eat less food and therefore lose weight. Studies show that " people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the day tend to be heavier than people who eat a healthy breakfast and eat four or five times a day." This is partly due to the fact that when skipping a meal, you feel hungrier and tend to overeat at the next meal and pay less attention to your satiety cues. A better approach is to eat smaller frequent healthy meals and snacks to keep blood sugar balanced.

Myth : Eating after 8 p.m. causes weight gain.
Fact : It does not matter what time of day you eat. It is what and how much you eat and how much physical activity you do during the whole day that determines whether you gain, loses or maintains your weight. No matter when you eat, your body will store extra calories as fat.

Common Myths & FactsMyth : Sugar Causes Diabetes.
Fact : The most common nutrition myth is probably the misconception that sugar causes diabetes. If you have diabetes, you do need to watch your sugar and carbohydrate intake, to properly manage your blood sugar level. However, if you do not have diabetes, sugar intake will not cause diabetes. So far, a diet high in calories, being overweight and an inactive lifestyle are the main risk factors for diabetes.

Myth : All Fats are bad.
Fact : Fat is an essential part of the diet. Around 30% of total daily caloric intake comes from fat (with less than 10% coming from saturated fatty acids). Fats help nutrient absorption, nerve transmission and maintain cell membrane integrity just to name a few functions. However, when consumed in excessive amounts, fats contribute to weight gain, heart disease and certain types of cancers. Also, one must keep in mind that fats differ in their effect on the body. Some fats promote our health positively while some increase our risk for heart disease. The key is to replace bad fats with good fats (monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats) in our diet.

Myth : Medical tests are useful for the human body.
Fact : The medical community strongly advocates that regular tests of patients suffering from a particular illness is beneficial but contradictory to this they may actually pose a threat to a person's health. This stands true for almost all kinds of prevalent tests these days that are done for cancer or various other diseases. Some of these tests use radiations that may prove harmful for the human body and hence may damage various cell in the body including the cancerous cells. These days the treatment of a disease is focused more rather than the prevention, hence it is the money which talks and not the disease.

Common Myths & FactsMyth : High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets are a healthy way to lose weight.
Fact : The concept of high protein/low carbohydrates diets comes from the assumption that starches (carbohydrates) are fattening. This is a nutrition myth because starchy foods (bread, rice, cereals, beans, fruits and some vegetables) are low in fat and calories. They become high in fat and calories when eaten in large portion sizes or when covered with high-fat toppings like butter. In addition, the long-term health effects of a high-protein/low-carbohydrate diet are unknown. But getting most of the daily calories from high-protein foods like meat, eggs and cheese is not a balanced eating plan. These foods are usually increase fat consumption especially saturated fats which may raise heart disease risk. Also this kind of diet contains too few fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which may lead to constipation due to lack of dietary fiber and vitamins and minerals deficiencies. A well- balanced diet is still the best option for weight loss.

Myth : "Going vegetarian" means you are sure to lose weight and be healthier.
Fact : Research shows that people who follow a vegetarian eating plan, on average, eat fewer calories and less fat than non-vegetarians. They also tend to have lower body weights relative to their heights than non vegetarians. Choosing a vegetarian eating plan with a low fat content may be helpful for weight loss. But vegetarians-like non vegetarians-can't make food choices that contribute to weight gain, like eating large amounts of high-fat, high-calorie foods or foods with little or no nutritional value. The term vegetarian is not synonymous with health. Healthy nutrition comes down to choosing nutritious foods within the recommended amounts and limiting foods high in fat, sugar and calories. These facts hold true for those people who choose to include animal products into their diets as well as those who do not!

Myth : Vaccines prevent diseases and increase immunity.
Fact : The term immunity refers to the resistance of a person's body against diseases. Similarly immunization refers to the injection of foreign proteins to the human body of a particular kind in order to increase the immunity. Medical research has however proved that direct injection of such proteins makes the recipient more susceptible or affected to the diseases in future. Hence vaccines actually do exactly the opposite of what they should do.

Common Myths & FactsMyth : Fluoride Prevents Tooth Decay.
Fact : The highest selling tooth pastes these days seem to promote their product by saying that they contain fluoride which is useful in the prevention of tooth decay. However it is the biggest scientific fraud ever promoted by the government in order to sell products, as fluoride does not prevent tooth decay. Consuming fluoride is actually harmful for the health and human body. Consumption of large quantities of fluoride may be the cause of osteoporosis, cancer, auto immune diseases and also may cause disruption of DNA repair enzymes by 50%.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Memory Boosting Foods

Childern of today are with all the emphasis on academic excellence, children feel the pressure to do their exams. This is when the brain is taxed stuff to a maximum of information in the shortest time. The supply of nutrients is of utmost importance for the students to perform well. Follow these diet guidelines to ensure optimum performance during the tests:

Kickstart breakfast
In order to avoid breakfast starch loading and sugary foods. They increase blood glucose levels by a sudden crisis that makes you sleepy followed. Since the brain is stable blood sugar, fiber-rich foods such as broken wheat porridge, wholemeal bread sandwich, paratha cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, eggs, toast and cereal with milk is recommended required.

Brain-friendly food
The brain needs certain fats for proper functioning. Omega-3 fatty acids improve brain function significantly protected by promoting memory, alertness and attention span, and also the brain from the effects of aging. Get your daily updates of omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed, walnuts, tofu and fish.

Memory fats
Phospholipids are fats known to increase memory and attention. Of all the phospholipids - acetylcholine, choline and dimethylaminoethanol are the most important. They reduce anxiety, improve attention and promote learning. Egg yolks, organ meats and seafood are also good for the brain.

You can also beat exam stress with B complex, vitamin C and zinc. Fresh fruits and vegetables such as amla or gooseberry, green pepper, kiwi, broccoli, strawberries, mushrooms, soy and whole grains are rich in vitamins. B-complex supplements with zinc to increase immunity and coupled energy levels.

Proteins maintain the brain cells and help in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, or messengers of the brain essential for your child to keep awake. Meals must be at least one source of protein - dairy, eggs, whole pulses and dals, fish and lean meat.

Keep yourself well hydrated keeps the brain awake and focused. Make sure that you are at least two liters of water daily. Sip of water at frequent intervals.