Monday, September 28, 2015

Sexual Diseases in Men and Women

Dr Vinod Raina is an well-known sexologist in Delhi, India He has treated more than 110000 patients from last 14 years of clinical Practice in sexology, he knows how to treat people from severe sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction,early ejaculation and male infertility. Dr Vinod Raina has been awarded as best sexologist in Delhi in year 2012,2013,2104 and more over he has been given award of Dr B R Ambadekar Sewa Ratna Award 2012 for best sexologist in Delhi. Dr Vinod Raina is often called by number of T V channels for interviews live on air, he is regular to India news, news nation,samachar plus, news express, sadna news, journalist in action and focus tv.

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Infertility in Males by Dr Vinod Raina

About 10 percent of couples of reproductive age in the United States will have difficulty conceiving. Approximately 30 percent of cases are due to problems in man, another 30 percent to problems in women and the remainder is unexplained causes or multiple factors involving both partners.
If you had sex regularly and without using any birth control for over a year (or six months if you're over 35) without conceiving, see your doctor. Almost 90 percent of couples with infertility problems can successfully undergo fertility treatment.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Educational Intervention on Healthy Eating

Food is a process essential and mandatory for all organizations or systems living and this has to occur according to the requirements of the living being in question. 
Proper nutrition is the result of balance between the needs of the organism and nutrient intake, any imbalance can lead to deficiencies syndromes, toxicity or obesity , been known as malnutrition.Protein energy malnutrition, the state abnormal nonspecific systemic and potentially reversible, which originates as a result of poor utilization of essential nutrients by the body's cells.

Some authors suggest that malnutrition itself includes under nutrition in which the nutrients are given sparingly and over-nutrition where the nutrients are supplied in excess. 

When an imbalance not match the needs and contributions of nutrients and energy to the body it is established; preventing performing these functions is guaranteed optimally, it is said that a state of malnutrition. Faulty nutrition leading to a disruption of health and hence a decrease of physical capacities - intellectual or both and quantitative easing - qualitative life of man ; or that has important social implications of economic, political and Malnutrition is the most common cause of immunodeficiency because the system does not work properly if immune nutrition is not evacuated. The immune system dysfunction secondary to malnutrition known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Nutrition (SIDAN) and affects millions of people worldwide below 5 years and malnutrition is the common denominator in most of these.

During childhood proper nutrition is very important for any malnutrition by excess or defect can have significant impact in the short or long term. It is also during childhood when it begins to set in the correct eating habits or not, they will remain throughout life. 
The nutritional needs of the first year of life are varied over the months, these needs are not only in quantity but also in quality nutritious, because the child at this stage is when it grows; it's dominated events anabolic. A poorly nourished child may suffer from deficiencies of iron , folic acid, vitamin C, zinc, copper and vitamin A. 

Several authors state that under nutrition can result from inadequate intake, absorption, abnormal systemic loss of nutrients due to diarrhea , bleeding, kidney failure or excessive sweating infection, among other causes and malnutrition is associated with poverty ; They have been identified factors of risk related nutrition in young children with parents, with overcrowding and the environment in general, as well as others associated with sociocultural factors greatly influence the nutritional status. 

More than 815 million people suffer from hunger and chronic malnutrition and 36 million die every year of hunger, also it states that every 7 seconds a child dies less than two years for this cause. 

One of the effects caused by prolonged malnutrition diseases infectious so properly feeding all the world's children a million deaths would be avoided annually from pneumonia, malaria and 800 000 250 000 measles.

Haiti is considered the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Indicators of Health show that 80% of the population survive on less than $ 1.00 a day, the infant mortality rate is 80 per 1,000 live births, and life expectancy not exceeds 51 years old.

According to UNICEF, nearly a third of infants suffering from chronic malnutrition and 17% of acute malnutrition and one in 5 babies had low birth weight due to poor nutrition of the mothers themselves in that country.

Cuba has a health policy designed according to the social protection of the population as a premise in addressing the problems of the health - disease from the comprehensive transformation of communities and promoting social support systems provided careful attention to groups vulnerable population. 

In several municipality in the province, they have been conducted with the issue of breastfeeding mother but still the issue has many sides to be analyzed. 
About 2 years ago, a study was conducted Programme National Food (PNA) ( Project No. 15) in the five eastern provinces to determine the incidence of anemia. Included this study, a survey food, the results indicated that there was a high incidence of children with anemia and eating habits did not match the quality and quantity of necessary nutrients.

Problem : The human being of today, immersed in the fast pace of everyday life, has made ??major changes in their eating patterns and schemes, from consumption increasingly widespread food and pre-prepared fast food over the nature It makes available, aside from feeding healthy ways to ensure the necessary nutrients to keep the body strong and healthy. Why you need a feed Sana.?

In correspondence with this problem, the objective CTS will be directed to: reflect on about the importance and social significance that has strengthen health promotion on healthy eating through an educational intervention to help improve the quality of life . And will increase the knowledge on this subject.

Nutrition is the set of processes by which physiological ingested food are transformed and assimilated, that is, joining the body of living beings .
It is a science that aims to study the relationship between food and the living. . In addition to devote to the study of food quality.
For human nutrition studies are directed to meet the needs of nutrients that man and diseases that are caused by insufficient or excessive intake, proper nutrition is a key factor for the strength and performance of a person 
Eating is not just a pleasure, it is primarily meet the nutritional needs for proper growth and development of intellectual and physical abilities. There are diseases that can be prevented or improved by an appropriate diet.
At corresponds nurses help develop and maintain eating habits and guiding influence how inadequate nutrition in the loss of health. 
A good quality of life is achieved with the acquisition of good habits. The body's cells need proper nutrition for normal operation, all systems can be affected when there are nutritional problems. For a person to function at its optimal level should consume adequate amounts of foods that contain nutrients essential to human life.
To live our body needs a certain amount of nutrients found in the food. However, it does not matter what you eat as the proportion of various nutrients varies from one food to another.

Key Features of Nutrients
1. Energy: Provides the body the fuel it needs to produce energy for the body to perform their daily activities: breathing, keep the temperature body, running, among others. This is a primary function carried out the carbohydrates , fats and proteins.
2. Plastic: Build the tissues of the body or replace existing ones; this is a primary function of proteins and some minerals .
3. Regulatory: Regular metabolic processes (set of chemical reactions and processes that take place in cells for the maintenance of the body). Here the proper use of plastic and energy substances are favored; this is a primary function of vitamins and minerals.
4. paraspecific: Related to immunity functions, satiety, appetite.
Proper nutrition is the diet according to recognized expertise in the field , meets the specific needs of different stages of life, promotes children's growth and development and appropriate adult conserves or achieve the expected weight for height and prevents the development of diseases.
Humans, besides the required water is vital that a varied and balanced ingestion of food. The reason is that there is no single food provides all the nutrients to sustain life and health. The basis of good nutrition lies in the balance, variety and moderation in our food. But the urban modern diet is often unbalanced, unstructured and often coupled with an increasingly sedentary lifestyle .
Food is a chain of events beginning with the cultivation, selection and preparation of food to the styles and the consumption of a group of them. There are diseases that can be prevented or improved through healthy eating
A healthy diet is achieved by combining various foods in a balanced way, which meets the nutritional needs for proper growth and develop the physical and intellectual capacities.
The range is given by the selection and inclusion in the diet of all types of food, with priority for vegetables and fruits because it contains carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
The vegetables are recommended by the high content of dietary fiber needed for the gastro-intestinal function, value food, pleasant taste and aromatic properties, they are the main suppliers of the necessary for the functioning of the body vitamins, maintain the acid-base balance and contain substances special that eliminate or stop the growth of microorganisms patógenos.1 The Center for Research and Development, Ministry of Commerce Interior Havana, Cuba , in 2002 published a paper in two parts entitled "Only vegetables", very useful for information about the topic. 
In Cuba we have worked hard to make available to the population the amount of vegetables per capita to ensure good salud1 and high yields with low input technologies are developed with intensive methods.
In Cuba is working on the formation of a consciousness of nature in population and food production plans are developed using different alternatives to meet the needs of the population1 on the one hand and on the other, to constitute true sustainable systems. There is great political will to diversify agricultural production with the objective .
It also allows promote and promote healthy lifestyles to maintain health.
Organic food has become a discipline that summarizes important aspects of human endeavor, requiring an integrated vision to achieve a harmonious relationship between the society and the environment and is linked to the principles of the agriculture organic, nutrition and technology food.
Organic food is based on the efficient use of plant diversity as a source of food and natural to maintain health and quality of life consumption.
The establishment of specific nutrients recommended servings helps people to select foods to ensure an adequate supply of essential nutrients in their diets .
The Organization for Agriculture and Food of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (FAO / WHO) have established standards from international goals to improve dietary practices and help solve public health problems related to diet.

2 Healthy eating is achieved with the application or use of the dietary guidelines. 
Food guides are educational tools that adapt scientific knowledge on nutritional requirements and food composition and transforms into a practical tool that facilitates different people choosing a healthy diet and aims to raise short-term knowledge of food and nutrition and long term, remove erroneous feeding behaviors. 
Aspects to be emphasized in teaching about nutrition:
The need for a balanced diet from a nutritional point of view to promote optimal health.
The special needs of children, adolescents , pregnant women and nursing mothers to promote their growth and development.
The need to eat at regular times to encourage the development of good eating habits.
The need to have a good breakfast to start the day to promote adequate intake of essential nutrients.
The need to maintain hygiene in cleaning, preparation and storage of food.

Educating in the art of eating healthy and harmonious requires perseverance and convincing arguments. The staff nurse has a great role to play in the field of nutrition education to achieve in individuals, families and populations healthy eating and provide scientific information to understand the importance of certain prohibitions or reductions and increased certain food, they know that there is a basis in each explanation aimed at the welfare of human beings.
The implementation of an educational program on the topic of Healthy Eating is very significant because through his habits and lifestyles that influence the best modified behavior of the health-disease.

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Friday, September 11, 2015

Amla Powerful Rejuvenating Herb

Amla or Gooseberry is perhaps the single most of ten mentioned herbs in Charaka Samhita. The Amla plant is a middle sized tree commonly found in the mixed deciduous forests in India, Srilanka, China and Malaya ascending to 1,500m on the hills.It is often cultivated in gardens and home orchards.

It has reputation as a powerful rejuvenating herb. The fruit is reputed have a high content of vitamin C of any natural occurring substances in nature. Actually, the principal chemical constituent of Amla is vitamin C (650-900 mg/100g). The fruit juice contains about 20 times more vitamin C than orange juice. It also contains tannins (5%), glucose minerals like iron phosphorous and calcium.

A research team discovered that when Amla is taken regularly as a dietary supplement, it counteracts the toxic effects of prolonged exposure to environmental heavy metals such as lead, aluminium and nickel. These metals are prevalent in the environment of industrialized countries.In another research studies, the pro-oxidant or oxygen radical scavenger qualities of amla-suggest that it is also very effective in lowering the risk of may cancers.

Studies indicate that the naturally occurring vitamin C is easlier for the body to absorb than synthetic vitamins and the presence of the tannins presents the oxidation of vitamin. The naturally occurring vitamin C may be ten times beneficial to the body than synthetic vitamins.Other studies show that amla increases red blood count and hemoglobin percentages.
The dried fruit reduces cholesterol levels, indicating that amla is safe to consume on along term basis.

Amla also reduces unwanted fat because it increases total protein levels this is due to its ability to create a positive nitrogen balance and it also significantly reduces cholesterol level cholesterol induced atherosclerosis (obstruction of the arteries), making it a useful natural product to fight obesity.

The Amla fruit has acrid, cooling, refrigerant diuretic and laxative properties. Dried fruit is useful in haemorrhage, diarrhoea diabetes and dysentery. In combination with iron it is used to treat anameia, jaundice and dyspepsia. Fermented liquor prepared from the fruit is used in jaundice, dyspepsia and cough.

Other study shows that it prevented atheroma (degeneration of the artery walls due to fat and scare tissue) further more, amla has exhibited considerable effect in inhibiting the HIV virus which ultimately results in the disease AIDS.

Therefore, one can draw the conclusion that amla is good for almost everyone on a regular basis as it reduces or eliminates the risk of environmental pollutants, normalizes cholesterol, reduces unwanted fat, cures ulcers, reduces or prevents cancer, has the highest content of vitamin C of an natural source, detoxifies the body, regulates digestion, has inhibiting effects against the HIV virus, promotes metabolic function and can produce these results in a dried, natural unprocessed form. The only thing that could possibly be better than amla for a daily herbal supplement is the Triphala formula, of which amla constitutes one third.

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Smokers have lower IQ

Cigarette smokers have lower IQs than smoking Non smoking, and the more a person, the lower their IQ will be recruited according to a study of more than 20,000 Israeli military.

Noted Dr. Mark Weiser and colleagues at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, that young men smoked a pack of cigarettes per day or more had IQ scores 7.5 points lower than in nonsmokers. "Young people with lower IQ scores can be used for programs to prevent smoking to be targeted," they conclude in the journal Addiction.

Although there is evidence of an association between smoking and lower IQ, many studies on intelligence tests given in childhood, abandoned, and also have people with mental and behavioral disorders who smoke, and both tend to have rather low IQ, Weiser and his team found .

For a better understanding of the smoking-IQ relationship, the researchers looked at 2.0211 men who were 18-years-old and recruited into the Israeli military. The group does not contain all with large mental health problems, because these persons are excluded from military service.

According to the researchers, 28 percent of study participants smoked at least one cigarette a day, about three percent said they were ex-smokers, and 68 percent never smoked. The smokers had significantly lower scores of intelligence tests than non-smokers, and this remained true even after researchers concluded for socioeconomic status, how many years of formal education accounted for a recruit's father was measured. The average IQ was about 101 for the Non smoking, while smoking is 94 for men before they had begun the military.

The IQ steadily declined as the number of cigarettes smoked increased from 98 for men, The one to five cigarettes a day for up to 90 for those who smoked more than a pack per day smoked. IQ scores from 84 to 116 are shown as average intelligence.

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Monday, September 7, 2015

HIV Medicine protects all participants in new study

A new study following 657 people who took the HIV prevention drug Truvada for 2.5 years has found that 100 percent of them remain HIV-free - even those in high-risk environments. The pill, which has to be taken every day without fail, has been on the market in the US since 2012, and trials are currently underway all over the world, across Africa, Asia, South America, and in several Australian states. 

But despite promising results, researchers are hesitant to overstate the potential of the drug in combating the spread of HIV because of how fast its efficacy falls when a pill is skipped, and the persistent stigma that’s followed its use in the US.

Researchers following over 600 people who took an HIV prevention pill for more than two years have found that 100% of them remained free from the virus even in high-risk environments.

The study conducted at Kaiser Permanente in San Francisco involved more than 600 high-risk individuals, most of whom were men who have sex with men. These individuals were healthy at the time of enrollment and were put on a daily regimen of a blue pill called Truvada as a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

The study is "the first to extend the understanding of the use of PrEP in a real-world setting and suggests that the treatment may prevent new HIV infections even in a high-risk setting," said lead author Jonathan Volk, a physician and epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Medical Centre.

In the study, 100% of the participants remained HIV-free. Not a single person in the study became infected while on the drug during the study period that included 2.5 years of observation, the Washington Post reported.

No individuals taking preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) were diagnosed with HIV during 388 person-years of follow-up in a study published online September 1 in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

The researchers analyzed data from 801 individuals with at least one intake visit in the Kaiser Permanente San Francisco system who had been referred for PrEP evaluation between July 2012 — when the US Food and Drug Administration approved daily oral emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (Truvada, Gilead) as PrEP — and February 2015.

Of these, 82% (657 individuals; average age, 37 years) began taking PrEP, continuing for an average of 7.2 months. Nearly all were men having sex with men; the exceptions were 3 heterosexual women and 1 transgender man who had sex with men.

Of these, 82% (657 individuals; average age, 37 years) began taking PrEP, continuing for an average of 7.2 months. Nearly all were men having sex with men; the exceptions were 3 heterosexual women and 1 transgender man who had sex with men.

Compared with the 18% who did not initiate PrEP, those who started it were no more likely to have an HIV-infected sex partner (30% PrEP vs 25% non-PrEP; P = .18). However, 84% of PrEP users reported multiple sex partners compared with 69% of those not taking PrEP (P < .001).

More than a third (35%) of those who did not start taking PrEP said they didn't because they had a low risk for HIV. Among other leading reasons for not taking it were concern about the cost (15%), lack of desire to complete the required follow-up (10%), and preference for postexposure prophylaxis (6.3%). Only a small percentage were concerned about adverse effects (2.8%) or increasing their sexual risk behavior (1.4%).

Just over a quarter (28.4%) of those who started PrEP were diagnosed with an STI during follow-up, and 11.9% had multiple STIs. By 12 months after starting PrEP, 50% of the users had any STI (95% confidence interval [CI], 43% - 56%), including 28% with gonorrhea (95% CI, 23% - 34%) and 5.5% with syphilis (95% CI, 3.3% - 9.1%). A third (33%) had a rectal STI (95% CI, 27% - 39%), and a third (33%) had chlamydia (95% CI, 27% - 39%). None were diagnosed with HIV during the entire follow-up (upper limit of one-sided 97.5% CI, 1.0%).

Among 143 persons surveyed about behavior changes after 6 months of taking PrEP, 74% said their number of sexual partners had not changed, 15% said it had decreased, and 11% said it had increased. Just over half (56%) did not change their condom use, 41% used condoms less often, and 3% used them more.

In an accompanying commentary, Kimberly A. Koester, MA, and Robert M. Grant, MD, MPH, from the University of California, San Francisco, commend the study authors "for creating a clinical environment conducive for gay and other men who have sex with men to feel comfortable enough to use their specialized PrEP program."

They also note the difficulty of interpreting the STI data.

"The increased [frequency] of STI testing offered during PrEP services affords more timely diagnosis and treatment of STIs, and high rates of diagnosis may reflect greater diagnostic yield rather than changes in sexual behavior," Koester and Grant write. "What appears to be high rates of STI diagnosis may reflect appropriate use of PrEP by people who have the most to benefit and people staying closer to their medical home for sexual health services," they write.

Yet they also state that the time has come "for a vigorous conversation about sexually transmitted infections, too long eclipsed by fear of HIV infection."

"Ideally," they write, "the public health response to the possibility of rising incidence of STIs in the context of decreased or no new HIV infections would be framed in relative terms and therefore considered to be a good problem to have."

The research was funded by Kaiser Permanente Northern California. One author has received research grants from Merck. The remaining authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

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